Hey everyone! I’m so sorry I’ve been absent the last week or so.
I had a football camp up in Minnesota I had to go coach at for four days. As soon as I got back I played Cabal for an hour or so until I decided to take a nap. When I woke up, I found my computer wasn’t working because my video card overheated and quit working. Apparently my video card cooler in the slot next to my video card was pushed up on the video card’s fan, causing it to overheat and burn out.
So, I’ve been sitting around waiting for my new video card to ship in. Once it comes, I’m installing that thing right away and jumping on Cabal for a LONG time. I hope no one has decided to leave the guild because of my absence, and I promise that Deity will be stronger than ever when I return in a few days.
I hope you all understand, and I can’t wait to see everyone soon!
Dunner, Deity Guild Master