Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Member Requirement Ideas

Hey guys, just leave any ideas you have for requirements for joining Deity. Right now I think being a Cap is one good requirement. Let me know any other ideas you’ve got!


  1. my idea: you should have at least 100 def, 100 atk, and 100 def adn atk rate.

  2. I think if you want to join you should be an active person. At least have 5 hrs of playing time a week.

  3. I Agree with Father on the activity of the guild personal joining but i have no idea how affective all the attack stats will be. And def be a cap in a couple of other games i have been in i noticed that ppl of different factions in the same guild make for rather violent clashes and i don't want that to happen to us. I know I am new but I have loyalty to this Guild and its ppl. Just don't lie to me is all I ask.

  4. CAP ONLY, low lvl neutrals ONLY if they JOIN CAP l8r...or dont recruit lowbies at all

    shud be active, gud sense of humor, co-operative,
    and maybe u would like to put a lvl res now....

  5. I say If they dont have a pink title they dont get invite that means must be atleast lvl 52 and must be a cap.
